You are on the official website of VILLA MARGUERITE. You only get the best price here.
Chambre d'hôtes à Périgueux en Dordogne} {La Villa Marguerite

Terms and conditions of your stay

The fee includes an overnight stay in a suite for 2 adults, with private bathroom and restrooms, breakfast for 2, housekeeping and bathroom linen.

A 0.83€ tourist tax per night is added to your fee.

  • The booking is guaranteed by the payment of a 50% deposit, by credit/debit card or wire transfer.
  • The balance is paid when you leave the Villa, either in cash or by credit/debit card.
  • You card will be charged in case of no-show or late cancellation at the below conditions.
  • Unfortunately we do not accept payments in checks.

Check-in: We welcome you between 5pm and 8pm. For late check-in (up to 10pm), please let us know as soon as possible.

Check-out: Please check-out by 11am at the latest. We can store your luggage for a few hours before you leave (or before you check-in).

  • Breakfast is served in the breakfast room or outside (weather permitting) between 8am and 10am.
  • Snacks, picnic and meals are not allowed in the suites.
  • Pets are not allowed.
  • For the comfort and safety of all, the Villa is 100% non-smoking (including the suites).
  • We regret that we are not able to welcome guests in wheelchairs, as rooms are upstairs.

Villa Marguerite declines any responsibility for any accident or injury caused by guests, who are fully responsible for any damage to third parties, equipment or premises.
We cannot be held liable for any loss or theft of personal items.
Items (e.g., keys) or pieces of linen not returned at the end of your stay will be billed at replacement costs with a 20€ premium per item.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation without penalty up to 30 days before the arrival date.
If you cancel less than 30 days ahead of your stay, 50% of your total fee is due.
In case of now show, we will charge 100% of the fee.

In case of cancellation on our part: if, before your stay, we are forced to cancel your stay, we will inform you as soon as possible by email or phone. We will refund you in full and will advise you on alternative options.


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